Epic fails

Danske jägarens jaktbyte – två halvnakna människor som har sex

Den danske jägaren var ute och jagade på privat mark när han plötsligt stötte på de här människorna… Pinsamt värre!



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My father caught one of the most epic videos iv’e seen in a while last night.
We were sitting in our treestands, when he suddenly calls over the radio, telling that a stranger’s car came onto our hunting area!

It came through a rather impassable track, and through 100 meters of 1½ meter high corn. Then turns around, and heads back and parks between some trees out of his vision. (20 meters away from our ”keep away – hunting in the area” sign.)

The doors slam, and 2 people walk into the bushes. My father then decided to climb down and investigate if anything illegal is going on.

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